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God's Toil With His Creation

In the light of Genesis 1, we discover God's toil with man to produce virtues...

In Genesis 1 we read "In the beginning God made heaven and earth.  The earth was invisible and without form." When God made the heavens with His word, it came to be. As for the earth God took multiple days to shape it into its intended form. Here comes the question, why did God create the earth invisible and without form to begin with? Couldn't he have just said his word and make it into its final form? The bible tells us that He first created it without form, He then created the light in a day. On a different day He divided the waters from the waters and separated them with the firmament. On a different day He gathered the waters together to separate water from land and filled the land with herbs, grass and fruitful trees. The stars and the moon were created on a different day. The living sea creatures and the birds of the sky on yet another day were created and so on. Even though it was God's will and plan to begin with, yet He made them on separate days.
So too is the work of creating virtues in man. It takes time, effort and grace which is the divine work. We currently live in a world where instant gratification is the norm. Computers are getting faster and faster; food only takes minutes to be ready from the time they were ordered. Patience is not cultivated at all. It is no surprise when someone wants to be a better person, he becomes impatient and frustrated when it takes time. We want to be better right now without having to put in much effort or wait for God's grace. Perhaps the intent behind creating the earth on multiple days is to set man's expectation that acquiring virtues here on earth also takes time.
Many times we complain that life here on earth is hard. We might even say that God doesn't know what we're going through here on earth. We work hard for little gains and everything takes much time. In reality, it's the other way around. God is the one that toils with us and we don't understand. After the fall, God told Adam that in toil he shall eat of the ground all the days of his life, and even with that it'll bring forth thorns and thistles. (Genesis 3). Perhaps God wanted to show us a glimpse of what He has to go through with us. He toils with us on earth in order to see fruit, yet we continue to produce for Him thorns.
Saint Isaac the Syrian said, "For anything that is quickly obtained is also easily lost, whereas everything found with toil is also kept with careful watching." We should also struggle in our spiritual life in order to keep it with careful watching. God is working in us and all we have to do is to struggle in our spiritual life and respond to His grace. However, He is the one that provides the fruits and virtues. In Genesis, it was God that said "Let there be light". In our life, it is God that says "Let there be light" for without Him we can do nothing.  In the begining of the Gospel of St. John he says about our Lord "That was the true Light which gives light to every man coming into the world."  If we want to acquire any virtues, we should ask God for help. We should pray if we want to obtain the virtue of Love, patience, wisdom, faith, understanding, etc... Even if we want to learn how to pray, we should pray to God to teach us how to pray (Luke 11:1).  It pleases God to see us be the light of the world.  "And God saw the light, that is was good." (Gen 1:4) This is how we please God, by responding to His grace. That's when our light shines forth.

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# Anonymous
Friday, December 14, 2012 3:01 AM
Waiting on God's Promises

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